Creamy chickpea-flour pasta with vegetables and Torregio cheese

(for 6 people)150 g Torregio cheese
500 g chickpea-flour pasta (or another type of pasta)
2 carrots
2 green courgettes
200 g peas
1 spring onion, including the green part
chilli, salt, extra virgin oil, to taste
Dice the vegetables and parboil for a few minutes. In a pan, bring the water for the pasta to the boil adding salt and chopped chillies. Cook the pasta. In a pan, fry the sliced spring onion in oil and add the diced vegetables.Drain the pasta, keeping aside a ladle of the cooking water. Put the pasta in the pan with the vegetables. Add the grated Torregio and a little of the cooking water at a time. Stir until creamy and serve piping hot.
AICI – Associazione Insegnanti di Cucina Italiana
Rosella Mengozzi’s recipe